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Writer's pictureAlex Trabue

Life should be Enjoyed!

You should have control of your day. When you have control of your day you are able to enjoy what means the most to you. Time is the most valuable thing we have and should be spent well. Planning your day will allow you to do that.

There are so many ways you can plan your day:  the good ‘ole fashion paper planner, apps, electronic calendars. Whichever option you choose you will find that it will help transform your day. I have listed 4 areas that using a planning system will help improve your life.

Helps prioritize

First thing I do each day list my to-dos for the day, even before I check emails. My  to-do list is always longer than the hours in the day. By jotting them down I can choose my priorities and make sure I get done what is most important that day. If I have time then I move to the other task. If I don’t write down my task then I just to seem to get a lot less done that day.

Keep me focused

By seeing my day and task on paper keeps me focused and motivated on what is important to me. This helps me from spending time on time wasters like social media or watching TV. Obviously there is a time for that and it should be put in your day. But if you know there are more important things that have to be done before your can do the fun stuff, i.e. going out to dinner with friends or take your kids to the park, then you will stay on task better if you see it on paper or worked into your calendar.

Sense of accomplishment

If you are a type A person like myself you will know what I am talking about. There are few things in life that bring me as much joy as marking a task off my to-do list. Looking at the end of the day and seeing what you have completed can give you the energy you need to be productive the next day.

I could not agree more with the statement from Day Designer’s March Blog.

When you commit to planning out your day, you take control and in turn find yourself accomplishing more. This added level of productivity, efficiency, and focus improves your overall success and happiness.

Frees my mind

Between home, work and my kiddo I feel like my head is spinning with everything I need to do. When I get it on paper it just frees my mind to focus on task at hand or at least help me shut off my brain when I lay down at night. Getting it out of your head and on my task list or on the calendar will allow you to be more present and not focused on what is running through your head.

This week on Facebook and Instagram I will be staring more on command centers, free planner pages and apps to help you take control of your life.


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